Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a member of the national Professional Photographers Association or a State Association to attend?

Is the school easily accessible?

How many students are in each class? Will I be lost in the back of a room with 100 people?

Why do I need to provide a second choice of instructor?

Can I take more than one instructor?

Why is MARS more expensive than other Affiliate Schools?

Do I have to provide my own laptop for Digital, Photoshop and Painter classes?

Can I request a single room?

Can I bring a guest, spouse or significant other?

Q.  Do I have to be a member of the national Professional Photographers Association or a State Association to attend?
A.  No. Membership in another organizations is not required. MARS offers PPA Membership information at the school for those interested in joining the National Association. Attendees at a MARS conference, who are members of PPA, qualify for two Merits from PPA toward their degree program. You will also receive a Certificate of Achievement from MARS upon completion. 

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Q:  Is the school easily accessible?
A:  Yes. auto travel is a breeze using most major highways. You can also connect using the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. For those flying in from afar, landing at Philadelphia International Airport is perfect. And once you arrive at the airport, for a nominal fee, MARS students are offered shuttle service to and from the airport and hotel, both on arrival and departure. MARS makes it easy for you to 'get to class'.

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Q:  How many students are in each class? Will I be lost in the back of a room with 100 people?
A:  Student to instructor ratio averages 15 students per class. Classes can run with less students. Some classes may go higher, depending upon the curriculum and the instructor(s) teaching method. Maximum class size is between 25-30 students. MARS caps upper limit at 30. Smaller classes afford you an intimate learning experience, where everyone gets to know each other and instruction is very personal.

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Q:  Why do I need to provide a second choice of instructor?
A:  Because class size is limited, your first choice may be filled to capacity. Or, on rare occasions, if your first choice instructor cannot attend, you will automatically be assigned to your second choice.

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Q:  Can I take more than one instructor?
A.  You will spend the entire week with one instructor. MARS is an 'immersion' school, which is best to optimize learning. Optional after-hours mini-lectures by other instructors are FREE and open to all students.

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Q:  Why is MARS more expensive than other Affiliate Schools?
A.  MARS may appear to be more expensive, but consider it is a no-worries, all-inclusive price. We concentrate on quality, not quantity. Not only do you get your instruction for the week, but your included lodging is at a new, modern, oceanside resort hotel. In addition, all of your meals are part of the deal, as are all social events and after-hours programs PLUS other amenities like parties and the opportunity to win thousands of dollars in prizes. If you add it all up, you'll see that the MARS total package is an UNBEATABLE value, and less expensive than other schools compared to what you get

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Q:  Do I have to provide my own laptop for Digital, Photoshop and Painter classes?
A.  Yes. The benefit here is that you can 'take home your progress' so you can easily review what you've accomplished.

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Q:  Can I request a single room?
A.  Yes, a limited number of single rooms are available for the week for an additional fee.

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Q:  Can I bring a guest, spouse or significant other?
A.  ABSOLUTELY! The more the merrier. There are several options for them -- from just relaxing and enjoying the beaches, hotel pool, and shopping, to partaking in all extracurricular activities and meals. Additional fees will apply, but it is really worth it!

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Mid-Atlantic Regional School of Professional Photography
a PPA Affiliate school for continuing education in all aspects of photography